Like Arnold Schwarzenegger to Jim Henson + Dottie Hinson. May Maywood. Betty Spaghetti. Dorothy Sue. Jimmy Dugan. 437 dingers in the first half of the century. Whoa are weeeeeee. Carolon Square. Glenview Boredom. Glenview Grayness. Oratoricals at the pancake house.
Diarheeeeah on top of ole smokey. All covered with.....Slash. I lost my poor ecosystem to the big timberman. I looked for a good tree, I looked for a stream, but the were all cut down and clogged with debris. Do you want to eat salmon or badger or Shrew? Well, you no longer need to cuz we've got a Fred Meyer not too far from here.
Nicotine Norman Rockwell on the moon shares a drink with a robot named Judy who wears a blue skirt hiked up to her mechanical knees, ball and socket joints, rack and pinion orgasms.
Tire Yeardly Smith. Hey you's cried the mathemagician, this is a square! This is a double dog dare! Golden globed. Cloudy with a chance of choices. You wouldn't believe how good is my impression of a certain neo-futurist architect. I've got them glasses and the grease pencil. I know the trenches and I"ll sketch with my gasmask through the mustard gas attack. I am the future of Industry and Hospital Complexes.