The other day when I was walking to school I saw a man who looked exactly as Dee Snyder would if he were guatemalan and not wearing those sunglasses he always wears. Perhaps this guy was Lionel Ritchie and Dee Snyder{s love child. He was wearing pinkish jeans and had really awful bangs. Close your eyes and try to Imagine it. Last night when I was walking home I heard singing on my street so I went over to where it was coming from and was treated to the Guatemalan equivalent of Boys II Men. Though the American version is far superior these guys were really giving it the ol' colegio try despite the fact that there was one or two guys who couldn't sing on pitch which made their singing a little cacophanous, but still enjoyable from a curious gringo{s perspective. They even had the Guatemalan equivalent of the guy in B2M with the cane and the really deep voice. Every friday there{s a graduation dinner for the students who are leaving the school and last night it was a potluck type dinner. I made chow Mein with eggs, onion, and carrot and it was the jam, especially with ketchup. The ketchup here is far superiour to the american version. Anyhow, at every friday night graduation dinner there{s this dude, Cazarelli who is Xela's answer to Elvis. He{s got the look down and his name sounds like Fonzarelli which is 5 or 6 bonus points for him. He plays his guitar though an amp that also has his mic, and some beat

My Padre bought a rooster the other day and put it up on the roof with a string tied from its leg to something else and the first night I woke up to that fucker cock-a-doodle-doing at 3.30 am. I don't think |I need to
There's this strange phenomenon around here where guys will put strips of super dark tinting across the top and bottom of their windshield and the edges are usually silver or something and opaque. Why anyone would limit their field of view like that is beyond me especially since the lighting at night is garbage and the driving matches it.
There's this Tienda right by my casa where the proprietor has a hole in his throat and I never noticed it until the other day. I knew his voice was real fucked up, but I never looked at his neck closely enough. Throat holes don't sit well with me.
The other day I was walking to buy some tasty bread and there was this really nice motorcycle parked
This morning we went on a trip to an old Guerilla camp out in the Campo and Amaro, our resident X Guerilla told us a bunch of stuff about his days. It was great fun!
Put those in your American equivalent of a guatemalan skull bong and smoke 'em.
I forgot to include a few things in the last MM.
1. Before each graduation dinner, which usually includes all the students and a bunch of teachers we sing songs led by a few musically inclined instructors while Cazarelli plays the bass lines on his guitar which are usually a lot louder than the classical guitar and shakers played by the staff. One of the songs is about how ¨I am a communist for life, I will die a communist, my hands are my rifle.¨ I´m not sure if it´s sung tongue in cheek or if they´re seriously communists for life until death. There are lots of Che Guevara pictures and posters in the school so it´s possible, but I don´t feel like I´m learning Spanish from a bunch of commies. Note that in Guatemala Che Guevara is not the Cli che that he or his image is in the US. The song´s a good one, regardless of it´s message- It could be about WWE and the new line of Dodge trucks and I´d still sing its catchy melody.
2. There´s a really big problem with alcoholism in Guatemala and especially in mi Barrio. There aren´t any bars, rather there are Cantinas which sell booze at a low low price that the borrachos can afford. The one cantina I pass regulary is like all the other tiendas with old timey bank bars seperating the customers from the clerk. One night I passed the cantina and there were 5 or so
3. In my barrio which is pretty working class with cinderblock buildings (I guess almost every building here is cinderblock) , stray dogs with sagging teats and crippled back legs, and the aforementioned borrachos there is a strip of houses that were recently built behind 10ft walls with razorwire on top and big metal g
4. The Guerilla stories included how they would eat twice a day, oatmeal for breakfast and rice and beans without seasoning for dinner, if they were lucky. They´d carry 100 lb packs and live a really crappy life for years at a time and fight the army a few times a week on average. Put that in your Skullbong with a Che sticker on it and smoke it.
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