Thursday, December 20, 2007
Gutz in Xela
So last night there was a fiesta a la escuela and a posada which is a parade where a bunch of people carry candles on sticks and a nativity scene around town. All the host families were invited and they came and we went on the posada to the parque central then back to the school where they served a dinner of some rice dish and chicken. I asked if they could make me a plate without meat and they said yes, but of course my plate only had less meat than the others and I gave it to my host mother, Rosa, but I still ate some of the chicken sauce and my gutz are a little weird now. After that a bunch of us estudiantes went to a wine bar and hung out then I went home around 10 because I was really hungry. I ate some granola and went to bed. This morni
ng I met up with some pals and we went to a weaving co op owned by the weaving women and bought some souveniers. The lady there was really cool and there were bargains everywhere. Then we went to a restaurant called Baveria and I had an omelette because , for some reason I only got some oatmeal and bread this morning. Usually I get fed better at home, but maybe the food gods have been fighting each other in the last 24 hours and I didn´t get to stuff my face. Apparently my familia owns a tienda, which is a corner store (there are more than you can count on any given street) and there was a whole bunch of pringles and other convenience stoore type food on their kitchen table last night and this morning and I was told that they package the food at their house because there isn´t enough space at the tienda. My Spanish is coming along and I´m able to communicate my thoughts ingeneral with a lot of pauses and thinking and some dictionary use. I don´t yet know the conditional and subjunctive tenses so I probably talk like a 3 or 4 year old. Tonight there´s a soccer match between our shcool and the mountain school somewhere, i´m not sure and I´m looking forward to some running around. On saturday there´s a school trip to some volcano that takes a few hours to climb and I´m really excited about that. I got my hiking boots and everything. The second class busses here are pimped out school busses with crazy paint jobs and chrome plating wherever possible. There´s tons of
exhaust in the streets and there´s one intersection on the way back to my house from school that a few students and I call the intersection of death because your chances of getting hit by a car are probably 10 in 100, much higher than most places I´ve been. I´ve crossed that intersection 15 times so far so I´m bound to get hit sooner or later. I´ll write more when more incredibly exciting thing
s happen. Bust out that skullbong and pop this fatty nug on in.
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